As Dujuan said at the United Nations, “I want adults to stop cruelling 10 year olds in jail”.
In Australia, children as young as 10 years old can be taken out of school and away from their families, and sent to prison. All the evidence tells us that prisons traumatise children and they don’t work. Kids who spend time in prison are more likely to get in further trouble with the criminal justice system – not less.
Right now, Attorney Generals are considering whether or not to raise the age of criminal responsibility to 14 — that would mean 10 year old kids could no longer be sent to prison.
But, with many politicians believing only a ‘tough on crime’ approach wins votes, we need to convince them that they have the public support to show leadership and #RaiseTheAge.
That’s why we need you to send a message your state Attorney Generaltoday to let them know that they have your support to raise the age of criminal responsibility to 14, and keep kids out of prison and with their families where they belong.
We have a simple letter writing tool on our website which makes it easy to write to your state Attorney General and ask them to #RaiseTheAge of criminal responsibility.
First Nations communities have the solutions.
Instead of locking kids up, we should be prioritising community-led and culturally-safe prevention, early intervention and diversionary programs that keep kids safe and families together.
Learn about the work of our partner organisation Children’s Ground – led by Dujuan’s grandmothers and grandfathers – who are driving change to prevent the next generation entering the criminal justice system.
Maya and the In My Blood It Runs team